Anniversary, Part II
While Jerry had Covid for the bus anniversary, at least we had our wedding anniversary to look forward to. I was sedated and intubated for our twentieth, so we were looking forward to celebrating 21. Ha. Along with Covid, Jerry had a cold, which now we both have. I can usually get over a cold in a couple of days, but not this one. We are both coughing a lot and generally feeling pretty crappy. So we canceled anniversary dinner with our neighbors and once again, got takeout. It might sound counterintuitive, but not being able to celebrate I'm alive after being hit by a bus anniversary was harder. We will celebrate our wedding anniversary when we are feeling better, and somehow that seems fine. Maybe next weekend. I did get out of bed long enough to take a shower today and that felt wonderful. I'm still doing most of that one-handed, as my orthopedist doesn't want me to ruin the good work he did on my rotator cuff and bicep, and neither do I. While I was in the shower I...