A Room at the Inn

Just when you think things are getting better... They are not. I had been having bouts of shivering and when my temp went up to 101 my nurse told me to come into the special urgent care center next to the infusion center. I was so weak and sick Jerry had valet park the car and got a wheelchair for me. We got there so fast the paperwork wasn’t even in the system yet. Wonderful to live so close to a place where I spend so much time. But hey, I also live close to a library and a doughnut shop. I’d rather have to go there. Hopkins is truly a wonderful place. They started loading me with fluids and drew blood to figure out what was going on. My temperature continued to rise so next came the Tylenol and ice packs. And they checked me in. It didn’t take long for them to figure out it was a bacterial infection, and today it was narrowed down to a UTI. No surprise. I used to have them chronically, and with my white count so low anything is hard to fight off. Everyone coming into the room has to wear a mask, and that is making me a very active listener. No lip reading for the time being. My appetite returned today and I had breakfast. Jerry’s business partner and our friend Dan had bought me matzoh ball soup from the Cross Street Market and Jerry brought it to me for lunch. There is a microwave in the visitors’ lounge so he heated me up two delicious mugs full. I made Jerry go home last night because the kitties needed him and so he could get a good night’s sleep. No need for him to be awakened every hour or so. But of course, he is back today. He has brought work and things to read. The sight of him in the lounge chair is such a comfort.


  1. Oh, Carol, I'm so sorry. I have been planning to email you, and still will. This just sounds so exhausting for you. I hope they can get the infection under control quickly and you can go home. We are happy to visit if you are up for it, mask and all, but totally understand it that's too much for you. We are and have been thinking about you. Sending wishes for renewed strength. You've been amazing through all this, as has Jerry.


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