Passover Times Two

When I lived in California seders just didn’t happen for me. I did have some Jewish friends but somehow Jerry and I were never included in their seders. And truth be told, we could have had our own but I never had hosted one and I wasn’t really sure how to do it. Oh, I could have, but I didn’t, and since my Jewish friends were having their own, I would be host to non-Jews, and honestly, I wasn’t sure I was up to that much explaining. But now, back in Baltimore, that has changed. My cousins Fred and Ann-Laurie have included us since we first arrived, and this year, another friend, Debbie, also invited us. Hers was really Passover dinner, rather than a Seder, but it was lovely nonetheless. And the best part was I felt good enough to attend both. Today I am making potato leek soup in preparation for next week. I have bone broth and soup my friend Sarah made, as well. Keeping hydrated seems to be key in feeling well, so I am prepared. In addition, I got some CBD oil, which is derived from marijuana, without the high. It is supposed to ease nausea and increase appetite. I’m willing to give it a try. On Monday, along with my weekly bloodwork, I have a CT scan. I admit I’m apprehensive. I’m having a hideous fantasy that they will find a new tumor or rampant cancer cells. In reality, that is not out of the question, but my last CA-125 was really good, and generally, I am optimistic. I am trying to replace those negative thoughts with ones of there is no evidence of cancer! I envision that several times a day and try to have those positive thoughts drown out the negative ones. Tonight, Jerry and I are going to a movie. Our normal Sunday evening activity. Looking forward to it, and steeling myself for the week ahead.


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