Good Genes Bad Genes Loose Genes

Because I am 75 percent Ashkenazic Jew, my gynecological oncologist thought it would be prudent for me to have genetic testing, in case I had the BRCA gene, most prevalent in Ashkenazic Jews. While I and my breasts are happy I tested negative, a whole new can of worms was opened when it turns out I have a mutation that can make colon cancer more likely, though Dr. T. assured me I shouldn’t worry much, and that without family history, it wasn’t all that likely. That was driven home when I met with a genetic counselor and an oncologist on Friday. They did suggest I have a colonoscopy every three years instead of 10, and while the prep is not my favorite thing, I won’t mind doing that. Besides meeting with the genetic counselor, this week also included another support group meeting. Two of the women are going through recurrence, one of whom had had a very tricky surgery just five weeks before. Another was seeing her physician the next day to hear about treatment options. The discussion also involved a lengthy discourse on medical marijuana, something I have thought about off and on. Two of the women decided they would go to a dispensary to get advice on how to go about getting a card. Instructions on line are confusing, so going to the source seems like a good idea. I am still on the fence regarding it. I tried the smallest amount of an edible and it didn’t agree with me, but perhaps a THC oil might be the way to go. There are anecdotally good reports of THC fighting cancer, but I think I am still in a wait and see mode. I also had maintenance infusion Number 2 this week, and it once again went without a hitch, although this time the Benadryl hit me hard and I took a nap when I got home. I realize now that I have been in remission for a few weeks it is time to re-examine my eating habits. My jeans that I bought pre removal of several large tumors are still loose, but if is keep celebratory eating they won’t be for long. I am no fan of deprivation, but I am a fan of mindful eating and I need to get back in that mindset. With the summer’s bounty of beautiful fruits and vegetables, it shouldn’t be much of a struggle.


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