What Doesn’t Kill You...
Anyone who knows me, even a little, knows what I think about going to the gym. Exercise is evil. I mean, I love to walk and riding 100 miles on a bicycle (when I could) was fun. And even Zumba. That was fun. But standing there on an elliptical for what seems like hours on end is torture. And those Cybex machines. What or who the hell is a Cybex? Evil.
But I know I have got to get stronger. It will make the rest of my life easier, and if I should have a recurrence, will help me get through it. So I’m going to the gym. I also found a new physical therapist who gets it, actually examined me, and set me up with some exercises. Because of the cancer they won’t use the “modalities,” because there has been research that they may stir up dormant cancer cells, and I’d just as soon let them sleep.
I am thankful that the gym I go to is not a Body Beautiful gym. It might be after work, but in the late morning. it seems to be populated by old farts like me, and guys who must work for themselves or be unemployed. There is a bank of televisions, each on a different channel, all I can live without. I will likely start bringing my phone and a headset and listen to NPR, which is better than watching the damn timer slowly tick away seconds until I get to 10 minutes on the elliptical and stationary bike.
If the neuropathy in my feet doesn’t ever go away, folk dancing, which is another form of exercise I like, might be out of the picture. It has not only made my feet hurt and numb (I know that sounds like a contradiction but trust me) but my balance has been affected. I’m working on that too. Carol, meet Bosu Ball.
Just as I made my way through chemo, I will make my way through getting back in shape. It is hard for me to just “exercise,” so I need to set myself up with a goal. A possibility is getting to the point where I could actually train for a multi-day cycling event. Then, I can figure out what even that might be.
And I can’t lie: when I left the gym yesterday I felt a sense of accomplishment, and I felt energized. Again, as in so many things with this journey, I have to keep my eyes on the big picture. I want a good, healthy life. And as with everything lately, takes work.
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