24 Hours of Anxiety
Are over. I got the results of yesterday’s scan, and once again, it was beautiful. Fluids have actually diminished a bit and any lumps and bumps seen in the past have not changed. I am fine. Because I am in a clinical trial, I get a scan every 12 weeks, and I feel so fortunate. I see a doctor or nurse every two weeks for a check up as well as a meetup with my clinical trial nurse. The downside to this is that cancer is never far from my consciousness but I do believe the vigilance far outweighs anything else. In fact, if I didn’t have this close monitoring I may be worrying and thinking about it more. I think that’s the way with ovarian cancer, in particular. It’s unfortunately the rare woman who doesn’t have a recurrence. It’s more when than if. Though my hope is that the immunotherapy trial I am on will at the very least keep it at bay for a while, or maybe forever. As usual, I took a nap when I got home from my infusion. The Benadryl really knocks me out, and I’m thankful no more ...