Living in the Twilight Zone
I don’t think any of us could have predicted we would have our life out on hold for such a long length of time. And I know I could never have predicted my reaction. I know I am luckier than some of my friends who are living with active disease. I am on a maintenance drug that messes a little bit with my blood count and energy, but other than that I am as normal as it gets. So why am I so frightened? As another friend wrote, I did not go through hell to survive cancer to be taken out by the Corona virus. I am afraid if I contract COVID-19 it will kill me. Maybe this is rational; maybe it is not. Jerry and I go out for a walk every day. If someone is coming the other direction I walk in the street. I don’t think that is unreasonable. We did a big shopping trip to Trader Joe’s this week, and with an every other Saturday delivery of produce, I don’t think I need to go shopping for another couple of weeks. And I think I will stick to Trader Joe’s because they are limiting the number o...