Another Day, Another Therapist

Today was another busy day in the endless saga of getting all of my parts working. But it was a good day.

It started with an 8 am appointment with a hand specialist. I got my hand x-rayed, and she decided the two pins in my pinky could come out. Was I afraid to have them yanked out? You bet I was! But the worrying was far worse than the actual removal.

I then saw a hand therapist who made me a tiny velcro splint. She gave me a couple of exercises to get started, and then she sent me downstairs to sign up for outpatient hand therapy.

The very wise scheduler told me I would likely have a problem with receiving at home and outpatient therapy. Medicare figured if you leave home for one, you can leave home for all of them.

So when I saw my occupational therapist this afternoon, I explained our dilemma, so just like that, she discharged me and I will schedule for outpatient. My physical therapist comes tomorrow and I will do the same.

In other good and moving forward news, plastic surgery scheduled me for Monday morning at 7:30 am (yikes!). But this appointment is so needed, especially if I need another skin graft.

And in more good news, I had a lovely visit from a fellow Barcs kitty cuddler. We gossiped, talked cats, and even a little dog. I miss going to Barcs so much! It was great to hear a little news.

So yes, my mood is much improved. This is going to be a long haul. But I celebrate the steps forward, no matter how small.


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