Home Alone
Jerry loves to fly, loves to teach, and he is very good at it. His life has been so tied up with mine I knew he really needed to do this. So we made plans.
My friend Lynn came over with lunch on Friday, and we had a long, overdue visit. We had shared the same best friend--Jacqui, although Lynn had a much stronger bond with her. They had been close since their twenties and had experienced so much together. But then, many people considered Jacqui a best friend. That was just how she was. Jacqui died right as the pandemic was getting underway, and there isn't a day I don't think about her and miss her. Same with Lynn, though we had a chance to catch up on so much.
Lynn left and there was a couple hours gap between her leaving and the time my friend Cindy would arrive with dinner. I took that time to have the opportunity to fall. Reaching for something just a little too far away had me off the couch and on the floor. I did bang myself up a bit, but the hard part was figuring out how to get back on the couch. I made some maneuvers but they were to no avail. The distance between the floor and the sofa cushions was just a little too much for me to get my elbows placed to pull me up. Not to say I didn't try. Several times.
I calmed myself and knew I would figure it out. And I did. I pulled a couple of pillows off the couch, scooted my behind on top of them, and hauled myself back up on the couch.
Cindy arrived with a comfort-food tuna melt, and we had a great visit. She is a longtime Barcs volunteer as well as being in charge of kitties for a rescue.
A friend who had planned to spend the night had to cancel (sick kitty) so Cindy helped me get to bed. Once again, I transferred with ease. I was in bed a little after nine, so I read and then had a great night's sleep.
Around eight the next morning cat whisperer and all around support Jamey arrived. I got in my wheelchair and we went downstairs. She made me coffee and we toasted a bagel. And she fed the four hungry cats.
We took a salad upstairs for my lunch, and Jamey would be back to get me and the cats dinner.
My friend Linda came to visit around noon, and I held court in the bedroom. We go way back and she has been so supportive these last few months.
Bed is really a more comfortable place for me to spend extended times. It is firmer than the couch and I can sit up, lie down and take care of my toileting needs by myself.
Jerry got home around eight. I knew I had "big news" to tell him, and I was a bit afraid of his reaction. I let him know Margaret had canceled, but the bigger news was telling him about my fall. He has been so hesitant to leave me alone.
But his response was perfect. He said it had to happen at some point, and he was glad I had gotten my first fall out of the way. As I become more independent, it will likely happen again.
I was so incredibly relieved. The support and understanding I get from him is beyond measure. I will fall again, but I will also get stronger, more confident, and learn from every difficult or challenging situation.
I'm on my way.
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