
Showing posts from March, 2023

Dramatic Reading

I had an MRI of my shoulder Saturday. It was scheduled for 4 pm and I finally got led to the back around 5. I was then told that because of all the hardware in my arm the MRI would take an hour, as opposed to the 20 minutes a normal MRI takes. Not feeling I really had a choice in the matter,I agreed to proceed. Holding my arm at a 90 degree angle for an hour was excruciating. In reality, holding my arm in one position for an hour would be excruciating, no matter how I had to hold it. I can't count the number of times my arm pain wakes me up at night, but I get to move it and go back to sleep. But I knew if I moved it, even a little, I could ruin the MRI findings, and I needed to know what was going on. So I periodically held my breath, made lists in my head, trying anything to distract myself from the pain. Finally, it was over. I could move, get dressed, and wait anxiously for results. On Tuesday, they finally came. This is what they said: Supraspinatus tendinosis with high-g...