An Arm and a Leg
Today was a most momentous day. I had my first occupational therapy appointment, putting me one step closer to using my right arm. Granted, we didn't do much, but it still brought me great joy knowing I am on the path to getting it mobile and strong. And I got my leg. It's pretty snazzy. Since I won't actually be doing any real walking on it for quite some time I have not downloaded its app. But... it's got an app! And it has a plug-in charger. I can see how much it's charged by turning it upside down and counting beeps. Five beeps fully charged, and so on. I just had to order some running shorts because all of my shorts are too long and they run into the socket. I will need the shorts once I start physical therapy in another week. Until then I will wear the liner, which is pretty tight, and put the prosthesis on a couple times a day to get comfortable with it, both physically and psychologically. I need to learn to shift weight onto my residual leg while wearing ...