Can I See the Finish Line?
Although how I can say that with one arm immobilized and bed being my only semi-comfortable place is baffling, even to me. But right now my optimism is outweighing any obstacle still out there.
The shoulder surgery I had on Friday, to fix the torn rotator cuff and reattach some muscles, went well. I am home now, pretty much staying in bed, and Jerry, once again, is making sure I get everything I need. Since it is my right arm, it means I need a lot. I can't even get my pills from the bedside table. I have managed to figure out how to get to the bedside commode by myself so I don't have to wake him in the middle of the night. But everything else is pretty much on him.
I'm taking narcotics and anti-nausea drugs at night so I'm sleeping pretty well. And the dreams! They are spectacular. I've driven a sporty convertible and had really bad wine.
And speaking of wine, currently the only place I'm having any is in my dreams. Another reason to want the pain level to go down so I can switch from oxycodone to Cabernet. I mean, we had pizza last night with no Zin. A shanda!
Tomorrow we go to the prosthetist to test fit my socket, or as I like to call it, my bucket. I probably should have postponed the appointment, but I am so anxious to get a prosthesis. Even though I won't be able to use two arms for another six weeks so I won't be able to relearn how to walk until then, at least I am moving toward being able to stand. If the socket is good, the next step will be the prosthetic leg in a couple of weeks. I am so ready.
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