It's good to know people because on my own I could not get an appointment with him until mid-November, but his PA got me in this past Monday.
The news I got from him was not what I wanted to hear. Because of the exuberant growth, I have to have surgery to remove it, and I might need a skin graft after the first surgery.
While I am not thrilled to be getting another surgery, I am quite distraught at the possibility of a skin graft. The grafts I received in London took a year to heal. A year. At this point the surgeon thinks I will need to be off my leg and in a wheelchair for two weeks if he has to do a graft, but then conventional wisdom put me using a prosthesis in December, and instead it was nine months later.
The surgery is Wednesday, so in the meantime I am walking with my prosthesis as much as I can.
Today I needed to drop cookies off at the shelter for tomorrow's Barcstoberfest bake sale, and I walked from the car, through the building and down the hall to drop them off. I saw several people I knew and they were thrilled to see me walking. I was thrilled as well.
Friends were over this evening for takeout on the rooftop deck, and I walked to the elevator and out to the deck.
The next few days I am planning on walking as much as I can. I will be in the hospital at least three days, and depending upon what happens, I will either walk out or have to leave in a wheelchair.
I am trying to be optimistic and hope that I either won't need a graft or my surgeon is correct in telling me I will need to be off my leg for only two weeks.
Since my crystal ball isn't working I will just have to take things as they come. And I plan to have fun, and walk a lot, this weekend.
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