A First in Pilates
My leg fell off.
I had been having some issues with it the last couple of days. In very untechnical terms, a piece of it that shouldn't have moved did. Jerry got it back in alignment, but to be on the safe side, I made an appointment with my prosthetist, who finally got the toolkit from the manufacturer.
Friday was my second session back at Pilates. Brianna is definitely a proponent of tough love. She is tough and I love it. Maybe not during the time she is torturing me, but I always feel great after a session.
She took a cue from my physical therapist, and she had me doing bridges with the majority of my weight on my residual limb and prosthesis. Definitely difficult, but I have got to get those thigh muscles strong if I am going to walk independently. We also did some arm work and glute work.
I had no idea how important glutes were for my progress. I've never had much interest in having a glamor tush, but for balance and walking, strong glutes are essential.
Imagine my surprise when coming out of a bridge, my prosthesis decided to part ways with me. I am thankful that Pilates House has a set of allen wrenches on hand, so as fast as the leg came off, we got it attached again.
After Pilates Jerry had a doctor's appointment, and then we headed over to see Mark, my prosthetist.
In reality he didn't have much to do, but he tightened up some parts. We are still not quite sure why it came off during Pilates, but spare parts being what they are, they get out of alignment.
After the appointment we headed home and then went to Blue Pit Barbecue for a Barcs fundraiser and some jackfruit barbecue.
By the time we got home I was too exhausted even for an hour of Masterpiece Theater. I forget sometimes how old I am and how I can't keep up a rock-around-the-clock schedule any more. I was so tired I thought I might be getting sick. But I realized when I got up feeling fine this morning it was just fatigue.
I don't take it for granted that my first 65 years were relatively healthy. And I know I continue to be fortunate despite the obstacles that have been thrown out there. I had a great recovery from cancer and the toxic treatment I endured to get rid of it. And I made it through some very rough surgeries after my collison with a bus.
I think I still have the capacity to get much stronger, which will allow me to get back to living a fuller and more rewarding life. But I also need to cut myself some slack. I am doing pretty well, and I plan on doing even better. But it all takes time.
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