Roller Coaster
In more ways than one. I have continued to progress in physical therapy. My PT has gotten me outside to walk down a couple of declining sidewalks, and while at first I was pretty scared, I did quite well. In the beginning of our sessions we take a walk, and she no longer straps me into a gait belt. We are both pretty confident that even if I lose my balance a bit, I can keep going. Last week I went to Walking School. This is a session held several times a year, open to anyone with an above or below knee amputation, no matter what stage we are in with our progress. It is led by two amputees-- one above knee and one below. We divided into two groups based on our level of amputation. The below knee group was larger, and I am sure I was not alone in envying them. Having one's own knee makes it so much easier to walk. The session lasted about three hours and we did a number of exercises-- some fairly easy for me and others far more difficult. And while some of the exercises were he...