(Un) Accessible Airbnb.

While I am getting more and more independent and mobile every day, my biggest challenge continues to be the shower stall.

I need a shower easy to get into, hand-held, with a stool, which is specifically why I reserved this particular Airbnb in Mexico City. Bars by the toilet, while not totally necessary, would make life easier, and everything on one floor. Ideal.

While Aero Mexico says it has WiFi on flights, it did not work on our flight, wnd so I settled in to watch a film I had downloaded. Wicked Little Letters with Olivia Coleman was great fun.

But partway though the flight Lisa texted us asking if we had seen the message about our Airbnb. I explained WiFi wasn't working (though texting was for some reason) so no. She told us there were torrential downpours that day and our apartment had leaks, but they had another apartment in the building, with the plan that we would stay in it for two days and then move to the original apartment.

At this point what could we really do but say okay and we would see the apartment. As if we had a choice, knowing we wouldn't get to the apartment until after 9 pm.

The substitute apartment had stairs everywhere, even into the bathroom. And of course, no accessible anything, including a shower. Also, it was new construction in an old building and it seemed like there was no plan. In addition, it was obvious they did everything on the cheap.

I might not have cared so much about construction dust and cheap counters, but I specifically picked the apartment because I could actually take a shower!

Despite being exhausted it took a long time to fall asleep last night because I was so angry. I finally did fall asleep and dreamed about coffee and toilets.

Today was much better on the cranky scale. We took an Uber over to the Frida Khalo House. I spent many years really not liking her because she seemed to be everywhere. Frida Khalo t-shirts. Frida Khalo dolls. Frida Khalo books. But with her ubiquitousness fading, I was willing to go to her house/museum. If I saw nothing but the gardens I would have been satisfied. They were stunning. and the house was beautiful and I learned she was a right leg amputee. And anyone who Diego Rivera was in love with had to be at least okay.

From there we went to the Leon Trotsky House and Museum. Our tour guide was incredible and I learned so much. While I'm not ready to convert to Communism I do have a newfound respect for Trotsky and his family.

We are now back at our apartment, and Jerry and I are having dinner with San Francisco ex-pats Michael and Andrew. Michael hired me at Sur La Table in Corte Madera, and he was the first of a long line of bosses while I worked there. He was always fun and I really look forward to hearing about his and Andrew's life in Mexico City.

Our original apartment is supposed to be ready tomorrow. There have been crews working on that one and another apartment that seemed to have lost its entire ceiling in yesterday's deluge.

We shall see. I hope it is ready because I really want to get rid of my cranky pants.


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