Oxycodone and Cats
Up at 4:30 am on Friday for 5:30 am surgery time. While I am hardly a morning person I was relieved to have the surgery scheduled early. Let's get this over with.
I'm not sure what I had envisioned, but the surgery was certainly complex. Lots of screws, but no plate. I sent a photo of the xray to my surgeon in New York and he thought it looked excellent, which brought me great relief. Of all of my physicians, he is the one I trust the most. Maybe it's his attentiveness, which I realize does not necessarily make a good surgeon, but he did a great job on my OI, and he's at the top-rated ortho hospital in the US, and he treats me with respect and compassion.
After a promised morning release time, the hospital let me go at 7 pm. I came home, had a couple bites of Jerry's cheese sandwich, took an oxycodone and closed my eyes. Shortly thereafter Michelle climbed on my chest and started purring. The gentle vibration, coupled with the oxycodone, lulled me to sleep. I woke up about eight hours later, took another pain killer, and went back to sleep.
I have a very high pain tolerance and narcotics scare me. They always make me sick. I am taking the smallest dose of oxy there is, but it is still making me nauseated. But the pain this go round is off the charts. Kind of shocked considering what I have gone through in the past.
And for whatever reason, this surgery, coupled with my OI will keep me off my feet for several more weeks. I had really hoped to be weight-bearing sooner. My next appointment is not until 3 January, and that is the soonest I will be allowed to use my prosthesis.
I have got to say I am disappointed. It has been so long since I have walked, so my independence is a ways off. It will also mean using a wheelchair over Christmas while we visit my cousins in Cleveland. Our room is downstairs, so it either means bumping myself on my butt up and down the stairs or staying in a hotel. I will just see how I feel a few days before.
Of course, I had hoped the fracture would heal without surgery, but it didn't. It was worth a try. My hope is that every day I will feel a bit better and get closer to being independent again.
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