Yesterday, my birthday, I had three different appointments at Hopkins. Wound care, echocardiagram, and occupational therapy. Then there are days like today when I am parked on the couch, surfing the web, maybe watching a video or reading a book. Or thinking. I think we all have images of ourselves that are enhanced by how others see us. and I, for one, feel a need to live up to this image. "You're so strong" "You are amazing." And I AM strong. And I AM amazing. But Im also overwhelmed. And at times very sad. The rehab team at Hopkins assigned me a therapist-- how great is that! We do zoom calls every other week. We had a call on Monday and I recounted an incident to her, and described it as a "pity party." After my description of what happened, my therapist had what was really a fairly obvious insight. I wasn't having a pity party; I was grieving. And considering what I have been through, it's not just expected-- it's encouraged. And...