Leggy Mountbatten
Years ago, a film was made that was a parody of the Beatles. The group was the Rutles, and they had a manager who had a prosthetic leg. His name was Leggy Mountbatten. And that is what I named my prosthesis. When I'm wearing it, it's my leg. It's part of me. But when I take it off, I usually have a little chat with Leggy, and we discuss our day-- how many steps I accomplished and how it got me through. And maybe a word of thanks. I plug in Leggy and lie him next to the bed to get him ready for tomorrow. Today, Jerry and I went to a craft show, and I walked thousands of steps. I was using my walker, which kind of acts as a shield to keep me safe. The show was fairly crowded, but if people saw me they cleared a path. When they didn't I patiently waited for room to walk. People, including me, were there to look at beautiful things. They weren't in a hurry and neither was I. I know I tend to get frustrated when I'm in Costco and someone is standing in the middle...