
Showing posts from August, 2024

At Least It Happened at the End of the Trip

And not nearly traumatic as the last time. While I tripped a couple of times this week, today I took an actual fall. We were headed to the Anthropological Museum and my foot got caught in a grate. Down I went. I laid there for a minute and could tell I couldn't walk. Len had reserved a wheelchair for me at the museum, and Lisa went in to see if she could bring it to me at the base of the plaza where I took the fall. Moments later she returned with the wheelchair, and while still in a lot of pain, I managed to climb aboard. At that point I could barely breathe, but I was convinced I would start to feel better in a bit. As Jerry pushed the chair around the museum the pain did begin to subside. I am thankful that this museum is fairly new, and it is equipped with ramps and all things accessible. Our amazing tour guide, Emanuel, made sure I could see evetything. He was incredible and I learned so much. We stayed and had a great lunch at the museum and then called an Uber. A museum

(Un) Accessible Airbnb.

While I am getting more and more independent and mobile every day, my biggest challenge continues to be the shower stall. I need a shower easy to get into, hand-held, with a stool, which is specifically why I reserved this particular Airbnb in Mexico City. Bars by the toilet, while not totally necessary, would make life easier, and everything on one floor. Ideal. While Aero Mexico says it has WiFi on flights, it did not work on our flight, wnd so I settled in to watch a film I had downloaded. Wicked Little Letters with Olivia Coleman was great fun. But partway though the flight Lisa texted us asking if we had seen the message about our Airbnb. I explained WiFi wasn't working (though texting was for some reason) so no. She told us there were torrential downpours that day and our apartment had leaks, but they had another apartment in the building, with the plan that we would stay in it for two days and then move to the original apartment. At this point what could we really do bu